Susan White & Mark O'Connell Photography Logo
Call us: 781.826.8189
21 Kallio Path ~ Pembroke, MA
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Clothing tips to make your senior portraits the best!

for starters . . .
  • Bring clothing for ALL the seasons. Spring, Summer, Fall, & Winter. Yes, all of them.
  • Bring winter stuff even when its 110 degrees outside. Remember, I have a studio. I’ll crank down the A/C and make it cold. 
  • Bring everything on hangers. Wrinkled clothing does not photograph well.
  • Hats, scarfs, coats, jackets, sweaters
  • Hobby stuff, guitars, sunglasses, …
  • School stuff – instruments, footballs, helmets, bats, volleyballs, golf bag, balls, …
  • Make up, lip gloss, powder, …

When you book your appointment with Susan White Photography we'll send you a booklet that will completely cover everything you need to do to make your photoshoot the best it can be.

Here are a few more tips for now.

Treat yourself to a pedicure & manicure. We will photograph at least one set of images that will show your toes.

A good nights sleep can do wonders for bags under your eyes if you are concerned AND if you are still concerned, I can take care of that with a little airbrushing to ‘help’.

Makeup for photography needs to go on heavier than normal daylight wear. We need to additional contrast for the makeup to “pop”

Use more powder than you think you need! We want to bring down the shine on the skin.

Did I mention MORE powder?

Lip gloss should be is a solid color & one shade deeper than normal. Lip liner of the SAME color is good too.

Eye liner can really make those eyes pop too!

Bring your makeup case with you for touch up. Especially lip gloss.

Did I mention MORE powder?

Don’t worry, you don’t have to a model to come to my studio. A lot of people THINK I only photograph models – not true. EVERYONE you see on my website are REAL seniors.

If you plan on coloring your hair or getting a new style, allow at least a week to get used to the style.

Be sure to bring jewelry, accessories, black high heels, white pearls, dangly earrings, formal dresses, fun dresses, hats, scarfs, sweaters, jackets, blue jean jackets, those jeans with holes in them, t-shirts, …. bring it all!

Be prepared to have a blast. Just ask anyone who has been to my studio – they will tell you!

Avoid fresh haircuts. Allow at least a week for it to grow out.

Fresh shave or little facial hair? Its UP to you! I’ve had guys come with facial hair and then shave it down for the 2nd half of the shoot. Just be you.

I PROMISE no dorky poses. No peeking around trees or leaning against statues.

90% of the images that leave my studio are NON-smiley but we will do a few smiles too. Guys clothing

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